Ko te tinana o Haina kei te tatau ma mo te Tai Rawhiti V5 Kaihanga me te kaiwhakarato | Ahei
  • upoko_banener_01
  • upoko_banener_02

Tinana i roto i te tatau ma mo te rawhiti o te rawhiti V5

Whakaahuatanga poto:


B14-6106020-DY Hinge asy - Ft up upr rh (electrophoresis)
B14-6106040-DY Hinge Assy - FT DOW LRW RH (Electrophoresis)
B14-6101020-DY Tatau assy-fr rh
B14-6206020-DY Hinge Assy - RR Luest RH electrophoresis
B14-6206040-DY Hinge asy - rr tatau lwr rh electrophoresis
B14-6201020-DY Tatau assy-rr rh
B14-6301200-DY Paewhiri Paewhiri Sub Assy-Iitho
B14-6306310-DY Hinge Assy - Paewhiri Huinga
B14-6201010-DY Tatau assy-rr lh
1 B14-6206010-DY Hinge Assy - RR Lound Upr LH electrophoresis
1 B14-6206030-DY Hinge asy - rr tatau lwr lw (electrophoresis)
1 B14-6101010-DY Tatau o te tatau- fr lh (electrophoresis)
1 B14-6106010-DY Hinge Assy - FR UPR LH (Electrophoresis)
1 B14-6106030-DY Hinge Assy - FR LRT LWR LH (Electrophoresis)
1 B14-8402030-DY Hinge - Engiody Hood RH (irahiko)
1 B14-8402500-DY Bonnet Assy - Engine (Electrophoresis)
1 B14-8402040-DY Hinge - Bonnet RH

Nga kiko o te hua

Tags hua

B14-610602020-DY HINGE ASSY - FT UPR RH (Electrophoresis)
B14-610604040-DY HINEE ASSY - FT DUP DURS RH (Electrophoresis)
B14-620604040-DY HINEE ASSY - RR DODE LWR RH Electrophoresis
B14-6306310-Dy Hinge Assy - Paewhiri Huinga
1 B14-6206010-DY HINEE ASSY - RR LED UPR LH Electrophoresis
1 B14-6206030-DY HINGE ASSY - RR DODE LWR LW (Electrophoresis)
1 B14-610101010-DEED DOMSY- SUBUE LH (Electrophoresis)
1 B14-6106010-DY HINEE ASSY - FR LUBER UPR (Electrophoresis)
1 B14-6106030-DY HINEE ASSY - FR LOR LRW LW (Electrophoresis)
1 B14-8402030-DY HINEE - Engiody Hood RH (Itirangi)
1 B14-8402500-DY Bonnet Assy - Engine (Electrophoresis)
1 B14-8402040-DY HINEE - BONNT RH

Open door: even when the car is driving, it can still be closed by the pressure of air flow, which is relatively safe and convenient for the driver to observe backward when reversing, so it is widely used.
Ko te whakatuwheratanga o te tatau: i te wa e taraiwa ana te motuka, mena kaore i tino kati, ka horoia atu e te rererangi rererangi, na reira he iti ake te whakamahi. Ko te tikanga ka whakamahia noa hei whakapai ake i te ngawari ki te haere me te whakatutuki i nga hiahia o te mauruuru.
Ko te tatau o te mobile whakapae: Ko tana painga ka taea tonu te whakatuwhera i te tawhiti i waenga i te pakitara o te tinana waka me te aukati he iti.
Whakaarahia ake te tatau: He mea nui te whakamahi i te tatau o muri o nga motuka me nga pahi marama, me nga motuka iti.
Ko te tatau totoka: he maha nga wa e whakamahia ana i roto i nga pahi nunui me te rahi.
Ko te tatau o te motuka kei roto i te tatau o te tatau, nga taputapu o te tatau me te pereti hipoki o roto.
Ko te tinana o te tatau kei roto i te pereti o roto, he pereti o waho, he anga matapihi tatau, he tatau tatau, he pereti tatau me te pereti tatau.
Ko nga taapiringa o te tatau ko te taatai ​​tatau, he tatau tuwhera tatau, te tatau o roto, o roto, te karaihe tatau, te papa karaihe me te tarai.
Kei roto i te pereti Conditi o roto, ko te pereti matua, ko te pereti matua, te tima o roto, me te ringaringa o roto.

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