News - Chery Malaysia Omoda 5 vehicle recall – root cause of axle welding problem identified
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Chery Malaysia has issued another statement regarding the rear axle of the Omoda 5. This is the company’s third public statement since the incident on social media on April 28. An initial statement acknowledging the problem was issued the next day, followed by a second statement on April 30, formally recalling 600 vehicles. Omoda 5.
The third statement was published today (May 4) and contains some interesting information on this issue. Chery Malaysia said it is “working closely with the Ministry of Transport (MOT) to ensure that all affected vehicles are repaired to the highest safety standards.” Chery Auto Malaysia vice-president Li Wenxiang said the company voluntarily arranged the meeting with the Ministry of Transport. Transport for information This was reported.
After a thorough investigation, the root cause of the problem was determined. “After a thorough investigation, the supplier reported that the problem was caused by a plant refurbishment in which worn-out automatic welding machine tips were replaced with new ones. The replacement of new tips resulted in incorrect calibration of the equipment.” said.
A total of 60 Omoda 5 vehicles in Malaysia used affected parts manufactured on 15 August 2023. Chery Malaysia has subsequently decided to expand the scope of the recall for vehicles using parts manufactured between August 14 and 17. 600 units. As of yesterday (May 3), Chery Malaysia had contacted 32 of the first 60 affected vehicle owners.
A new website has also been created where owners can confirm whether their vehicles are affected by the recall. Chery Malaysia has also committed to release weekly updates to the public on the matter to provide current information on the status of the recall program.
Chery Auto Malaysia is mobilizing preventative measures to ensure customer safety. The automaker takes responsibility and ensures accountability and transparency in management activities.
Kuala Lumpur, 4 May 2024 – Chery Automobile Malaysia is working to inform customers about recent incidents involving the axles of OMODA 5 vehicles. Following a detailed internal investigation, the automaker has recalled a batch of 600 Omoda 5 vehicles and is working closely with the Ministry of Transport ( MOT) to ensure that all affected vehicles are repaired to the highest safety standards.
“Chery Auto Malaysia is committed to providing safe and reliable transportation solutions and we are committed to ensuring that all our vehicles meet the highest safety standards. To fulfill this commitment, Chery Auto Malaysia voluntarily organized a meeting to sensitize the Ministry of Transport (MOT). ) Current product review status and root cause of the Omoda 5-axis incident,” explained.
The automaker conducted a thorough investigation into this isolated incident and contacted the parts supplier for further clarification. “After a thorough investigation, the supplier reported that the problem was caused by a plant refurbishment in which worn-out automatic welding machine tips were replaced with new ones. The replacement of new tips resulted in incorrect calibration of the equipment.” said.
As a result, the automaker said that a total of 60 Omoda 5 vehicles in Malaysia manufactured on August 15, 2023 are equipped with the affected parts. Chery Automobile Malaysia has since taken additional precautions by conducting a special service campaign to recall and inspect five rear-wheel drive vehicles manufactured by OMODA between 14 and 17 August 2023, totaling 600 vehicles.
“Chery Auto Malaysia takes this matter very seriously as customer safety is our top priority. We contact customers with the appropriate Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN) and ask them to bring their vehicles to our authorized service centers for a detailed inspection.
“We have also created a website for Omoda 5 users to confirm that their vehicle is not affected, which can be done by simply entering the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Our authorized service centers and technicians are fully prepared to serve customers who have problems. it could have an impact,” Lee concluded.
Omoda 5 owners can check if their vehicles are affected by entering the VIN number at
To ensure Chery customers are fully informed, weekly public updates will be provided providing current information on the status of the recall program.
Chery Auto Malaysia thanks all customers for their patience, understanding and cooperation, as well as the Ministry of Transport’s advice and guidance on this matter.
If you have any questions, please call Chery Malaysia Customer Service Hotline +603–2771 7070 (Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm).
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Hafriz Shah prefers driving to working at a desk, so he ditched the suit and tie to join the ranks of Malaysian car hackers. He completely ignored the technical features of the car, preferring to evaluate the features of the characteristics. When he’s not writing a biography of his journey, he usually drives aimlessly, preferably a car with the right combination of three pedals and six gears.
At least now most Malaysians who were dazzled by the shiny cherry tomato car realize that it is as bad as Potong, if not worse! Plus, his appearance is so unusual that he could easily be in Star Wars! May the force be with the fool who bought this!
Chery fans criticized BYD’s reliability for no reason other than lack of knowledge, knowing that Chery owners raised real issues and feared that Chery sales were declining until Chery fans saw this JPJ ad including reviews. Chery needs endless reviews? Do you think Chery, which has lost reliability compared to BYD and GAC, is still worth buying? Even Proton is now better than Cherie.
The poor will buy used, the rich will buy a new Scrooge, and the classic lover will buy used.
I just found my black super seal. It’s a pity that people buying Omoda and Chery are at least two classes below BYD.
So on 15/8/23 they produced 60 parts, but on 8/14/16/17/23 they could produce 180 parts per day, or 3 times the dates affected?
For example, on August 15, they could produce 180 parts, but only 60 of them were made for cars and sold in Malaysia. The rest may end up in other markets.
In fact, they were able to produce over 180 units per day and it just so happened that 600 of the total ended up in the Malaysian market within 4 days.
Additionally, Chinese suppliers tend to be large component manufacturers and are unlikely to produce axles exclusively for Cherry shipped to Malaysia. Instead, the shafts in question may end up in many other cherry markets outside of Malaysia.
It looks like the shaft is not machined but rather hand processed so there is no standard… not to mention the design is so weak.
Strange, isn’t it? It is easy for government agencies to believe what the vendor says because they do not conduct their own thorough investigations and audits. Government agencies are waking up. People are relying on you to thoroughly research and evaluate this supplier.
The reason for this could be a calibration error caused by replacing the welding head, but I think the main reason is actually lack of quality control, and Chery’s work ethic can be said to be the company’s DNA. So saying they fixed this axle issue may not be enough since the fix doesn’t address the root cause. How the hell did this escape your royal control? what else?
If it didn’t go viral, they could have swept it under the rug. Remember the seller said it was the second scenario? In their previous statement, they dared to say that the affected vehicles were still safe to drive.
I completely agree. If anyone thinks about it, it is stupid that this production failure occurred. If this happens on the highway, the driver/passenger could be involved in a more serious accident. The thought of the impending disaster and its consequences sent shivers down my spine. Chinese brands still have a lot to prove, and I will not be part of that process.
I completely agree with you that finding a root cause does not mean the calibration is incorrect. It also exposed deficiencies in quality control. What about this detail? Anyone who works in mass production for multinational companies will know about this…hehe
Imagine driving down Yunding Mountain when a weld breaks. The news only talks about driver error, not problems with the car.
For safety reasons, it is better to buy Atto 3. Do not buy anything from Omada 5 or even E5. E5 is one of many reviews besides Atto 3.
no problem. I would rather pay more to buy the GAC GS3 Emzoom. Guangzhou car is more durable than buying a Chery and frees you from worry. Sorry, I want to cancel my reservation for Omada 5.
GAC works with Toyota, so there are questions. If you drive a Toyota, P2, Lexus or Mazda, would you also buy GAC because it also partners with Toyota?
Chery fans have almost always been criticized by BYD, Proton or anywhere else including GAC, but Chery fans still can’t admit it after receiving a large number of complaints from Chery owners while driving Chery.
Because you ignore understanding and continue to live in the past. Don’t say goodbye to me, but say goodbye to yourself, who still lives in the past.
The BYD delivery trailer fire occurred less than a week ago. Or are you living in denial?
All car brands have problems. No car is perfect. Try a Continental car and see if you think a Chinese car is worth buying. Japanese cars also have problems, but they are still better than Chinese ones
At the same time, Japanese cars are often recalled even for Takata airbags. There may also be more serious accidents, such as wheels falling off and brake problems, than Chinese cars.
Stop this nonsense, which is also problematic. One fire can be isolated, two fires can be a coincidence, and there are countless such cases in China. Name one car brand that has been involved in so many accidents.
I bet you don’t have a new quality version of a Chinese car at all, you understand why you still like to drive an outdated Japanese car, but there are a lot of problems. So don’t think that Japanese cars are doing better than before.
Dude, your English SRJKC is hard to understand. You almost look like a Tencent LLM robot trained in Chinchong English.
What we learned: The supplier and Chery had poor quality control processes. There should be at least two stages of quality control, and supplier defects should be corrected immediately, at least during assembly. This fully reflects the strength of Chery.
We have removed the Malatang station and replaced it with a proper quality control station. If it brings you any consolation…
I have the greatest respect for Chery for its responsible attitude and prompt action to resolve all issues. Not many car companies would act so quickly and responsibly. The last time I bought a brand new BMW I had a problem with the trunk and I had to call them a million times and wait 6 months before they finally solved my problem. Well done Cherie. This is a great start to gaining the trust of your customers. Keep up the good work
Here is the corner of the testicles held by the axis of Mount Utan near the Bliss of Tiandu Wisdom. Feng Shui stabilizes the testicle soup in the shape of a tomato, and if you look back, the axis has disappeared, but the testicles are still there. Good luck to all
MY GOD. Vehicles assembled by Inokom in Gurun, but vehicles assembled by other Inokom will not be affected. Whose quality control is being questioned? GVM or Inokom?
Seems like a lot of sellers from other brands are commenting. This is certainly the case when other brands such as GAC and BYD are explicitly mentioned. You say Chinese cars are junk, but you recommend other Chinese junk. Despo for sale. it’s a pity.omoda arrizo auto parts

Post time: Jul-23-2024