I-China AC System Pipeline-AC ye-Chery A1 Kimo S12 Umkhiqizi kanye nomhlinzeki | Deyi
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I-AC System Pipeline-AC ye-Chery A1 Kimo s12

Incazelo emfushane:

3 S21-8104010 I-Compressor Assy-AC
4 s12-3412041 Bracket-compressor ac
I-5 S12-8108050 hose assy-drier to evaporator
I-6 s12-8108030 hosesy-compresser to condenser
7 S12-8109117 ubakaki
I-8 S21-8109110 Ithangi lamafutha Drier Assy
I-9 S12-8105310 hose assy-condenser to bocrier
I-10 S11-8105021 Bolt-Bracket
12 S12-8105010 Assens
13-1 s11-8108025 gasket - irabha
I-Gasket ye-S11-8108045 - Irabha
I-13-3 S11-8105023 CUmbion-Rubber
14-1 s11-8108051 cap - filler
14-2 s11-8108011 cap - filler
15-1 s21-8108015 o Ring
I-15-2 s11-8108015 o Ring
I-15-3 s11-8108019 o Ring
15-4 s11-8108035 o Ring
15-5 s11-8108053 o Ring
15-6 s11-8108055 o Ring
16-1 s11-81112127 Isiqeshana sesikhundla - ucingo
16-2 S11-81112129 Isiqeshana sesikhungo - ucingo
17 S21-8104310 I-Magnet Clutch
18-1 s12-8104051ba Belt-ace compressor
18-2 S12-8104051 Belt-Ace Compressor
18-3 S12-3701315 Belt-Ace Compressor
19 S12-8108027 Bracket-Evaporator Hose Assey
I-20 S12-3701120ba Heath Insulator Cover-generator

  • Intengo ye-FOB:I-US $ 0.5 - 9,999 / Piece
  • Min.ORDORDER MING:I-100 ucezu / izingcezu
  • Ukuhlinzekela amandla:I-10000 ucezu / izingcezu ngenyanga
  • Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

    Amathegi Omkhiqizo

    1 S12-8107010 EVAPORATAR ASTY
    3 S21-8104010 I-Compressor Assy-AC
    4 s12-3412041 Bracket-compressor ac
    I-5 S12-8108050 hose assy-drier to evaporator
    I-6 s12-8108030 hosesy-compresser to condenser
    7 S12-8109117 ubakaki
    I-8 S21-8109110 Ithangi lamafutha Drier Assy
    I-9 S12-8105310 hose assy-condenser to bocrier
    I-10 S11-8105021 Bolt-Bracket
    12 S12-8105010 Assens
    13-1 s11-8108025 gasket - irabha
    I-Gasket ye-S11-8108045 - Irabha
    I-13-3 S11-8105023 CUmbion-Rubber
    14-1 s11-8108051 cap - filler
    14-2 s11-8108011 cap - filler
    15-1 s21-8108015 o Ring
    I-15-2 s11-8108015 o Ring
    I-15-3 s11-8108019 o Ring
    15-4 s11-8108035 o Ring
    15-5 s11-8108053 o Ring
    15-6 s11-8108055 o Ring
    16-1 s11-81112127 Isiqeshana sesikhundla - ucingo
    16-2 S11-81112129 Isiqeshana sesikhungo - ucingo
    17 S21-8104310 I-Magnet Clutch
    18-1 s12-8104051ba Belt-ace compressor
    18-2 S12-8104051 Belt-Ace Compressor
    18-3 S12-3701315 Belt-Ace Compressor
    19 S12-8108027 Bracket-Evaporator Hose Assey
    I-20 S12-3701120ba Heath Insulator Cover-generator

    Uhlelo lwe-Automobile Air Conditioning System yithuluzi lokuthola isiqandisi, ukufudumeza, umoya omncane kanye nokuhlanzwa komoya komoya endaweni yokuthwala. Inganikeza indawo yokugibela ekhululekile yabagibeli, yehlisa ubungako bokukhathala kwabashayeli futhi ithuthukise ukuphepha kokushayela.
    Idivaysi yomoya yomoya isibe ngenye yezimpawu zokulinganisa ukuthi imoto isebenza ngokuphelele.

    Uhlelo lwe-Automobile Air Conditioning System yithuluzi lokuthola isiqandisi, ukufudumeza, umoya omncane kanye nokuhlanzwa komoya komoya endaweni yokuthwala. Inganikeza indawo yokugibela ekhululekile yabagibeli, yehlisa ubungako bokukhathala kwabashayeli futhi ithuthukise ukuphepha kokushayela.
    Idivaysi yomoya yomoya isibe ngenye yezimpawu zokulinganisa ukuthi imoto isebenza ngokuphelele. Isimo somoya sinemisebenzi emine, noma yimuphi owenza abagibeli bazizwe bekhululekile.
    (2) I-air conditioner ingasusa umswakama ovela emoyeni. Umoya owomile uthatha izithukuthuku zabantu ukudala imvelo entofontofo;
    (3) I-air conditioner ingadonsa umoya omusha futhi inomsebenzi wokuvutha umoya;
    (4) I-air conditioner ingahlunga umoya bese isuse uthuli nempova emoyeni.

    Uhlelo lwe-Automobile Air Conditioning System luqukethe uhlelo lokuqapha, uhlelo lokushisa, umoya omncane kanye nohlelo lokuhlanza umoya nohlelo lokulawula.
    Imodeli yokusetshenziswa iphathelene nesilawuli somoya wezimoto, okungokwedivayisi yokulawula yemishini yokusebenza komoya wezimoto. Lungisa uhlelo lwe-air conditioning air, ngesiqandisi, umoya omncane kanye nemisebenzi evikelayo yonke imishini izofakwa ngokuqinile, idivaysi yokulawula kanye nendlela yokusebenza kufanele ijikeleze kalula, futhi isebenze ngokukhululeka futhi ibe nokusebenza okuphephile.

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